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Buffer overflow in the 64-bit stack - Part 2 @en:it-security:blog
4 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
d 2 gadgets to create the exploit. To do this, we start ropper and display the gadgets <code bash> roppe... xploit. So we load our file into the debugger and start it: <code bash> gdb-peda$ start ... gdb-peda$ p system $1 = {int (const char *)} 0x7ffff7e17920 <__libc... -part2 </code> \\ \\ ==== root Shell ==== Now we start our programme and pass our buffer as an argument.
Buffer overflow in the 64-bit stack - Part 3 @en:it-security:blog
4 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
Debug ===== {{page>en:vorlagen:attention}} ==== Start socat Listener ==== The supplied socat has mecha... process 105836 Mapped address spaces: Start Addr End Addr Size Offset Pe... urther pwntools optimisations and automated socat start can be found in the [[gh>psycore8/nosoc-bof/tree/... .com/a/48571747)) \\ \\ ==== root shell ==== We start socat and bof-part3 as root <code bash> su root
Privilege escalation: Windows admin thanks to Linux @en:it-security:blog
4 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
the boot sequence to the appropriate medium Now start Lubuntu and configure the following: * Change ... > \\ \\ ===== Manipulation of the SAM ===== ==== Start chntpw ==== Now it's time to start the tool we just installed. <code bash> sudo chntpw -i SAM </code> ... shut down. \\ \\ ===== Restart computer ===== To start the computer now, the following things must be se
Shellcode Injection Part 1 @en:it-security:blog
3 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
ger}}] \\ \\ ==== Prepare Metasploit ==== Now we start a handler in Metasploit that accepts the reverse ... </code> \\ \\ ==== Execute shellcode ==== We now start ''Inject.exe''and look at the output in Metasploi... in our project and set the macro instructions to start and end the code obfuscation. <code c++ [enable_
Buffer overflow in the 64-bit stack - part 1 @en:it-security:blog
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
first we have to find out how we can do this. We start our programme in the debugger and generate a 200-... rst we set root rights to the vulnerable file and start it((