

Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.

mIRC with SSL
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
at it must be an IRC channel. You can see the nickname, the host (in this case made unrecognisable), the
IRC commands 1
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
ters can be passed to some commands: ^ Syntax ^ Name ^ Command ^ | SERVER | connect to a server | /ser
Optimise mIRC Perform
6 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
rm ====== {{template>vorlagen:tutorialdetails|tutname=mIRC Perform optimieren|tutautor=[[en:psycore]]|t... he nick is grouped. Change back to your main nickname, e.g. "MIRC", with <code mirc>/nick MIRC</code> ... t that the nick order is correct. You must now rename yourself to your second nick with /nick MIRC1. I... e "Options" => "Connect" There you will find Nickname and Alternative. For nickname you have to enter M
Open IRC channel
7 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
el ====== {{template>vorlagen:tutorialdetails|tutname=IRC Channel eröffnen|tutautor=[[en:psycore]]|tutv... Channel</code> The Deinchannel will of course be named after the respective channel name. If the channel does not yet exist, we should now be all alone in it... Replace #YourChannel with the respective channel name * A password must be set * A description that
51 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
rv ====== With NickServ you can "register" a nickname and thus prevent others from using it. The follow... ing commands allow you to register and change nickname settings; to use them, type /msg NickServ command... Command ^ Function ^ | REGISTER | Registers a nickname | | GROUP | Management of nickname groupings | | IDENTIFY | Identification of the nickname | | ACCESS |
IRC Operator commands
22 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
C Operators only. Syntax : SHUN <nickname> <time> :<Reason> (Shun the nickname for time) SHUN +<user@host> <time> :<Reason> (... RC Operators only. Syntax: REHASH <servername> -<flags> REHASH -<flags> If servername and flags are not specified this rehashes the irc
IRC commands 2
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
eplaced in the case will be replaced with the nickname of the user! The explanations of the commands are... erfügbaren Bots anzeigen /bs assign <channel> <Botname> ;Einen Bot deinem Channel hinzufügen </code> ==