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Shellcode Injection Part 2 @en:it-security:blog
3 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
, this alone was not enough, so that the compiled file was recognised directly. Nevertheless, I also use... ated by the '''' generated file ''%%output.bin%%''. \\ \\ ==== Obfy ==== Jigsaw ... s Defender could no longer recognise the compiled file. I didn't even have to do much. It was enough to
Buffer Overflow im 64-Bit Stack - Teil 3 @it-security:blog
13 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
/nosoc-bof/tree/main/part-3|Github]] verfügbar. <file c bof-part3.c> /* Code https://blog.techorganic.c... setbuf(stdout, 0); vuln(); return 0; } </file> \\ \\ ===== Debug ===== {{page>vorlagen:attent... s ein erstes Exploit, um ''write()'' zu leaken. <file python> #!/usr/bin/env python fro... # POP Argumente buf += p64(constants.STDOUT_FILENO) # stdout buf += p64([b'write'])
Shellcode Injection Teil 1 @it-security:blog
4 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
. Diese entnehmen wir der ''msfvenom'' Ausgabe. <file cpp local-process-injection.cpp> #include <stdio.... ad, size); ((void(*)())code)(); return(0); } </file> \\ \\ ==== Shellcode analysieren ==== Nach dem ... calc_payload[position] = jigsaw[idx]; } </code> <file c++ Inject.cpp> #include <stdio.h> #include <Wind... size); ((void(*)())code)(); return(0); } </file> Jigsaw allein reicht an dieser Stelle jedoch ni