Android - Firefox DNS over https

Approved 2024/01/27 12:39 by psycore (version: 1) Newest approved | Approver: psycore

This is an old revision of the document!

Android - Firefox DNS over https

1. install Firefox Nightly

In the Google Play Store Firefox Install Nightly for Developers

2. customise about:config

Open Firefox Nightly and enter about:config in the URL address bar. Then edit the following value:

network.trr.mode = 3

The following values are possible:

0 - Default value in standard Firefox installations (currently is 5, which means DoH is disabled)
1 - DoH is enabled, but Firefox picks if it uses DoH or regular DNS based on which returns faster query responses
2 - DoH is enabled, and regular DNS works as a backup
3 - DoH is enabled, and regular DNS is disabled
5 - DoH is disabled
network.trr.uri =

Other possible DoH servers are in on Wikipedia.

en/linux/firefox_dns_over_https.1706355552.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/01/27 12:39
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