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Draft Newest draft | Approver: psycore

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Acronyms in IRC

Acronyms are abbreviations that are used to simplify IRC. The initial letters of the most important words are strung together.

Acronym English meaning German meaning
AFK away from keyboard briefly away from the PC
AKA also known as also known as
ASAP as soon as possible as soon as possible
ATM at the moment momentarily
BBL be back later will be back later
BG big grin big grin
BRB be right back be back soon
CU see you see you soon
FAQ frequently asked questions frequently asked questions
FU fu<html></html> you | fi<html></html> you
G grin grins (action)
GN8 good night good night
HDL love you love you
HF have fun have fun
KP no problem no problem
KK Ok Ok Ok Ok
<html>LOL</html> Laughing out loud laugh out loud
MOM just a moment one moment
OMG oh my god oh my god
OMFG oh my fu<html></html>ing god | oh holy sh*t | | RE | returned | back again | | RL | real life | real life | | ROFL | rolling on the floor laughing | rolling on the floor laughing | | RTFM | read the fu<html></html>ing manual read the fucking manual
STFU shut the fu<html></html> up | shut your mouth | | THX | thanks | thanks | | VR | virtual reality | virtual reality | | WB | welcome back | welcome back | | WTF | what the fu what the fuck?
  • en/irc/acronym.1703540275.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/12/25 22:37
  • by psycore