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Linux backup with tar
8 Hits, Last modified:
with "tar". You simply create an archive: <code bash> tar -cpvlf meinArchiv.tar /Pfad/zu/meinen/Origin... now compress the archive, e.g. with gzip: <code bash> gzip meinArchiv.tar </code> ===== md5sum ===== ... um of a file can be calculated as follows: <code bash> md5sum meinArchiv.tar.gz </code> After download... you always have the total with the backup: <code bash> md5sum meinArchiv.tar > meinArchiv.md5sum.txt </
Linux backup with rsync
4 Hits, Last modified:
he backup, you will have various versions. <code bash> rsync -av <quelle> <ziel> </code> creates a cop... reate a hard link to the target directory: <code bash> cp -al <ziel> <backup_alt> </code> ===== Info =... . ===== Example of a backup process ===== <code bash> rsync -av --delete --delete-excluded \ --exclude... \ /data1/backup/home_imap_MailDIr </code> <code bash> cp -al /data1/backup/home_imap_MailDIr \ /data1/